*Full story spoilers ahead*

Welcome to my Bookshops & Bonedust Summary! This is a bit more detailed than I originally intended. Usually, I’ll write a chapter-by-chapter summary and delete details that are unnecessary. For this recap, I had a hard time doing that. This summary is VERY long, and I apologize for it, but hopefully, you get all the details you need!
Beginnings in Murk
The prologue opens with Viv locked in a heated battle against skeletal soldiers from Varine the Pale’s army. She is fighting ahead of Rackam’s Ravens, her mercenary company, cutting down skeletons. Despite her skills, she is stabbed in the leg and collapses. When she wakes, Rackam tells her that many don’t survive their first mission. He advises her to rest and recover while the rest of the team continues their hunt for Varine the Pale.
Viv wakes up in a small room at The Perch, an inn in the sleepy town of Murk. Her leg is throbbing from the injury, and she limps downstairs for breakfast. Brand, the friendly innkeeper, greets her, and they chat briefly. She explains her plans to explore the town despite being on a crutch. After breakfast, she hobbles through the quiet streets of Murk and notices the bakery, The Sea-Song. The smell of fresh pastries tempts her, but she has left her wallet back at the inn and decides to keep walking.
As she continues through town, she passes a small bookstore and meets a quirky orc named Pitts. He recognizes her and reminds her of her embarrassing incident at the hands of Highlark, the local surgeon. While delirious from the pain of her wound, Viv had tried to strangle Highlark during her treatment. Her next encounter is with Iridia, the tapenti captain of the gatewardens, who clearly dislikes Viv’s presence in the town. Iridia coldly tells her that Murk is better off without her and warns her to stay out of trouble.
Viv Discovers Reading
Still angry from her exchange with Iridia, Viv limps into Thistleburr Books, a rundown bookshop with a ramshackle exterior. As she climbs the steps, her crutch crushes a wooden plank, adding to the store’s dilapidated appearance. Inside, the smell of paper, mildew, and something akin to a henhouse fills the air. Piles of books, maps, and sea charts are in stacks across the floor and shelves. Amid the clutter, a peculiar sound—a mix of hooting and barking—catches her attention. A small, squat creature charges toward her. It’s Potroast, a gryphet with a sound like a dog barking underwater.
Before Viv can react, a rattkin named Fern emerges, trying to wrangle Potroast and clearly exasperated by Potroast charging after Viv. Viv knocks over some of the books with her saber, and Fern is swearing a lot about everything going on. Amused by the stream of swearing, Viv laughs, and the two share a moment of levity. Viv apologizes, recalling how the only rattkin she’s met before was a timid and quiet one, and this only makes Fern more vocal. The rattkin quips that she thought orcs only ate books, which causes Viv to burst out laughing again. Finally, Fern introduces herself and tells Viv she can buy a book to make up for the mess. Viv, not one for reading, uses the excuse that she is without her wallet. Fern notes the injured leg and tells Viv she can pay her back for it. Viv, trapped, asks for a recommendation, and Fern hands her Ten Links in the Chain.
Back at The Perch, Viv enjoys dinner while getting lost in Ten Links in the Chain, immersing herself in the story. The next morning, she talks with Brand over breakfast about her run-in with Iridia the previous day. The conversation is interrupted when Highlark, the surgeon Viv nearly strangled, walks into the inn, wet from the rain, sporting bruises around his neck as a reminder of their last encounter. He greets Viv, noting that she did not remember their appointment. Though he’s not surprised that she forgot, he needles her about forgetting the attack as well. Viv apologizes and asks what she can do to help her leg heal faster. Highlark initially advises rest, but when Viv presses for a stronger solution, he offers a salve that stings like “a thousand hornets.” She reluctantly agrees, and the pain from the salve causes her to pass out almost immediately.
Meeting Maylee
When Viv wakes, it’s already late the next day. Her leg still aches, but the salve seems to have helped. Craving the smell of baked goods, she returns to The Sea-Song bakery. Inside, she meets Maylee, a lively and slightly flirty dwarven woman who owns the shop. Maylee exudes confidence, especially when she claims her biscuits are good enough to guarantee Viv will come back for more. After buying a few biscuits, Viv promises to return the next day.
Viv heads back to Thistleburr Books and shares the biscuits with Fern. She attempts to bribe Potroast with one, but the gryphet isn’t interested in anything from Viv. Fern and Viv talk about the book Viv has just finished, and Fern offers Viv a deal on another one. She can either pay for it if she enjoys it or doesn’t finish it or doesn’t have to pay if she finishes it and doesn’t like it. However, Viv suspects the new book might not be as gripping as the last.
The following day, Viv heads back to the bookstore, narrowly avoiding breaking her other leg on the same broken plank she crushed earlier. On her way, she runs into Pitts and asks if she can borrow some wood and tools to fix the plank. He agrees to meet her at noon the next day. Afterward, Viv returns to The Perch only to find someone sitting in her favorite chair—a gnome with spiky orange hair and a defiant attitude. When Viv asks for the chair back, the gnome refuses, saying she can have it when she’s done. Viv sighs and settles in to read her book, but the gnome keeps interrupting. Eventually, she asks what happened to Viv’s leg, and Viv grudgingly agrees to tell her in exchange for the chair. After Viv explains, the gnome introduces herself as Gallina and pesters Viv to introduce her to Rackam’s Ravens. Viv refuses, and Gallina storms off.
Pitt’s Starts Poetry
Viv meets up with Pitts at noon to fix the broken plank. After she breaks the first one, she wonders if there are enough left to complete the job. When she’s finally done, Pitts returns, and Viv offers to pay for the wood, but he declines, saying it was spare. Fern makes them both come in for lunch. After they finish, she forces Pitts to pick out a book. Once he leaves, Fern breaks down, confiding in Viv that she’s thinking of closing the shop. Business has been slow, and she feels like she’s barely keeping the store alive. Viv offers advice on how to revive the bookstore: cleaning the rug, reorganizing the shop, and getting new stock.
The next day, Viv stops by Highlark’s office and notices a bunch of well-oiled books neatly arranged. She asks if he picked them up from the bookstore, but Highlark admits he hasn’t had the chance to visit yet. He’s curious to hear what Viv thinks of the book she’s reading once she finishes it. After their brief exchange, Viv strolls through Murk, and as she walks, a man in a grey coat catches her eye. She gets a bad feeling about him, but before she can react, he disappears into the crowd, leaving her uneasy. Feeling vulnerable and wishing she hadn’t left her saber back in her room, she makes her way back toward The Perch.
On the way, Maylee calls out to her, teasingly saying, “A girl could get offended if someone didn’t come back after buying her biscuits,” and hands Viv a bag of muffins. Viv smiles, assuring her she’s just been busy, and continues her walk back to The Perch, eating two of the four muffins before she even arrives.
Viv & Fern’s Arrangement
Once back, Viv helps Fern beat the dust out of a rug while chatting about the book she’s reading. The conversation takes an awkward turn as Viv talks about the erotic scenes in the book, feeling a bit embarrassed but paying for the book because she enjoyed it. With the rug done, Viv suggests that they move a lot of the books to the back of the shop, along with the sea charts, to create more space for easier movement. Just as they finish organizing, a customer walks in, and Viv recommends Ten Links in the Chain. He seems intrigued and leaves with it.
After the customer departs, Fern offers Viv a new deal. She suggests that Viv can spend more time in the bookshop, and in return, she can treat it like her own personal library, free to read whatever she wants. Viv agrees but tells Fern that she wants to help the bookshop thrive, not just stay afloat. They both agree on adding chairs and a table to make the space more comfortable and welcoming.
Later, Gallina develops a habit of stealing Viv’s favorite chair in the back of The Perch, something she complains about to Brand. After leaving the inn, Viv heads over to Maylee’s bakery. A long line has formed, and when she finally reaches the front, she and Maylee chat briefly. Maylee asks how long Viv plans to stay in town and digs for more details. Once their conversation ends, Viv leaves the bakery and runs into Pitts, who’s reading the little poetry book he picked up from Fern’s shop. Viv asks him how it is, and Pitts says he’s enjoying it. Viv thanks him for the planks he provided to repair the bookshop’s steps and gives him the treats she picked up at the bakery as a token of appreciation.
Viv Makes the Bookshop More Cozy
Viv and Pitts then go to buy a couple of chairs for the bookshop. At first, Fern is hesitant about adding more furniture, worried about the space, but eventually, they place the two chairs inside. After some time, Fern warms up to the idea, admitting that the chairs make the shop cozier. As they talk more, Fern gets curious about what Viv does for a living, and they end up in a friendly conversation. Before Viv leaves for the day, Fern hands her another book to read, continuing their growing bond over stories and books.
Viv finds herself engrossed in a book that unexpectedly turns erotic, prompting her to feel embarrassed about reading it in the bookshop. She decides to ask Fern if there’s anything else she can do and suggests getting new books, ones that would be more appealing to the local townsfolk. After this discussion, Viv heads out to train and later returns to the bookshop after washing up.
The Man in Grey
Upon her return, she notices a man in grey standing by a bookshelf. Potroast, Fern’s mischievous pet, charges at the man, but the stranger effortlessly backhands him away. Both Viv and Fern confront the man, and though he apologizes, he quickly exits the shop without much explanation.
Viv finishes another practice session and encounters the man in grey again. Sensing something off, she asks what he’s doing in Murk. He feigns innocence at first, but when Viv mentions she can “smell” something about him, he reaches into his coat. Viv reacts quickly, and a brief struggle ensues, with both of them tumbling to the ground. Just as the fight intensifies, Gallina arrives and intervenes by putting a dagger to the man’s throat, forcing him to relinquish a mage stone and knife he was carrying. Soon after, Iridia, the Gatewarden, arrives and arrests all three of them, taking them into custody.
Gallina and Viv are placed together in a cell, while the man in grey is kept separately. Iridia tries to interrogate him, but he refuses to speak or even move. Gallina and Viv attempt to get him to talk, but he remains silent. Frustrated and with time to kill, Gallina asks Viv to tell her more about Rackam’s Ravens, Viv’s mercenary group and Viv reluctantly agrees, feeling indebted to Gallina for stopping the fight earlier.
Highlark, the local surgeon, later visits to check on Viv’s injured leg. He scolds her for getting into a brawl despite her injury, offering to examine the man in grey as well. However, Iridia dismisses the need for Highlark’s assistance. As he leaves, Viv questions Gallina on why she’s still hanging around Murk. Gallina admits that as a gnome, it’s tough to find opportunities elsewhere, and she has no real “backup plan” if things go wrong. Gallina then flips the conversation back to Viv, asking what her first impression of her was. When Viv hesitates to answer, Gallina tells her that’s exactly the point.
Later, Fern stops by the jail to visit Viv, bringing her some treats from Maylee’s bakery and a book to help pass the time. The two chat for a while before Fern departs, leaving Viv and Gallina to split the biscuits as a thank-you for Gallina’s help. Gallina makes a deal with Viv—if Viv reads the book to her, Gallina will never mention saving her from the man in grey again. Viv reluctantly agrees to read two chapters, and as soon as she starts, Gallina quickly falls asleep.
The next morning, Viv discovers that the man in grey is missing from his cell. She wakes Gallina and calls for the Gatewarden, realizing their prisoner has escaped. Iridia questions Viv about the man, asking how they met. Viv recounts how he was at the bookshop, smacking Potroast casually before the confrontation. She also tells Iridia that the man smelled of frozen blood, like a wight—a soldier of Varine the Pale. Frustrated, Viv asks how long they’ll be detained, but Iridia gives a vague response, saying she’ll let them go when she decides.
Viv and Gallina’s Freedom
After being released the next morning, Gallina and Viv return to The Perch for some rest. The following day, Viv helps Fern paint the bookshop. They chat about the man in grey, his escape, and what it might mean. As they finish their task, Gallina arrives, meeting Fern for the first time. Fern and Viv discuss a book they want to get for someone, and Gallina teasingly assumes it’s for her. Later, Viv meets Maylee and gives her a thoughtful gift—a book of dwarven recipes. Maylee is thrilled, and Viv is grateful that Fern helped her pick it out.
The next day, Viv and Fern talk about the author of the book Viv has been reading and discover she’s a local writer from Murk. Shortly after, Pitts shyly enters and asks Fern if she has any more books like the one Fern gave him earlier. Meanwhile, Viv heads back to The Perch, where she runs into Maylee. Surprised but happy, Viv chats with her. Maylee candidly admits she has a crush on Viv and expresses a desire to get to know her better, even though Viv is only in town for a few more weeks. Viv, touched by the gesture, happily agrees.
Viv and Maylee’s Budding Relationship
Maylee and Viv go on a date, rowing a small boat out onto the water. They talk about their pasts, with Maylee sharing stories of her time as a mercenary before retiring to open her bakery. After an intimate conversation, they row back, and Gallina later teases Viv about her budding relationship with Maylee. Viv, initially defensive, eventually opens up and assures Gallina that they’re both adults and know what they’re doing.
Back at the bookshop, Viv checks in with Fern about how the business is really doing. Fern admits it’s struggling, but Viv insists on helping more. Their conversation is interrupted when Gallina bursts in, announcing they’ve found the man in grey—dead. He was discovered with a stab wound in his chest and a mark of Varine the Pale above the wound. Pitts had found the body and had already run off to alert the gatewardens. Viv and Gallina search the area and eventually find the man’s satchel. When the gatewardens arrive, Viv discreetly hides the satchel, hoping they won’t notice.
Iridia questions Viv and Gallina about the man’s death. Viv informs her that the mark on his chest is Varine’s. Iridia, surprisingly candid, tells Viv that while she might think Varine poses no threat, Iridia will do everything she can to stop whatever is coming. After the conversation, Iridia leaves one of the gatewardens to search for the satchel in the rain. Gallina retrieves the satchel after the guard leaves, and they take it back to Thistleburr Books. Upon opening it, they find nothing but bones and bottles of bone dust at the bottom.
Meeting Satchel, the Gentleman Homunculus
Fern, Viv, and Gallina discuss what the bones might be for. They notice inscriptions on the bones and realize they’re dealing with osseoscription, an ancient method of creating a homunculus from bones. After some deliberation, they perform the ritual, bringing the bones to life. The skeleton, who introduces himself as Satchel, declares his loyalty. His first allegiance is to Varine the Pale, but since they awakened him, he now serves them as well. Satchel reveals some information, but he cannot betray Varine. They learn that the man in grey, Balthus, stole something from Varine—Satchel being one of the stolen items, though Satchel won’t disclose what else was taken.
Gallina and Viv leave Satchel at Thistleburr while they return to The Perch. Viv meets Maylee again, and the two enjoy a peaceful moment together before heading to Highlark’s for another checkup on Viv’s leg. This time, with Maylee by her side, the experience is far better than usual. They return to Thistleburr, where Satchel is cheerfully sweeping the shop. Fern and Viv chat, learning that Satchel is willing to serve in any way he can, though he cannot betray Varine’s secrets. They also uncover that Balthus had stolen something else from Varine, though Satchel remains tight-lipped about what it is.
Viv and Fern are discussing Satchel’s potential interest in reading while Fern debates ordering a new shipment of books. Fern brings up the question of what to do with the old ones, and they hatch a plan to sell them as mystery books, wrapping each one with only the genre or a few intriguing words on the cover to entice buyers. Afterward, Viv heads to Maylee’s bakery to catch up, but their conversation about the future leaves Viv feeling unsatisfied and disconnected.
Iridia’s Truce
Later, Viv is at The Perch when Iridia arrives, ordering a drink and starting a conversation. Initially, Viv is defensive, but as they talk, she realizes that their goals align—they both need to stop Varine the Pale. After relenting, Viv shares what she knows about Varine’s activities and the dangers she poses. Following the conversation, Viv returns to the bookshop only to find it in chaos, as though it had been hit by an earthquake. Fern ushers Viv in, showing her the progress on the mystery book sale. Fern and Satchel have been hard at work wrapping up stacks of books, and Viv joins them by writing descriptions of what the books are about. As they work, they chat, and Viv gets to know Satchel a little better.
As they continue packing more books, Fern stumbles upon a book she’s never seen before. It’s eerie and strange, and after some investigation, they realize it’s one of Varine’s possessions—the second item that Balthus had stolen. Viv opens the book and discovers its pages are pitch black, absorbing all light without reflecting anything. Intrigued and suspicious, Viv tries writing on the pages, but the quill sinks into the paper. After experimenting, she realizes the book is a sort of storage unit for Varine’s objects and weapons. To everyone’s shock, Viv pulls out a massive great sword from the pages. Satchel warns them that Varine is aware of the theft, but he couldn’t warn them sooner without breaking his bonds to her.
Over time Viv starts being distracted by the great sword while with Maylee, feeling guilty about pushing her away but finding herself more and more obsessed with training with the great sword. As her leg continues to heal, Viv decides to use this opportunity to become more proficient with the weapon.
Fern’s Success
When the day of the boardwalk sale arrives, Pitts helps deliver the wood needed to set up tables for the event. Viv and Pitts set up the tables, arranging the mystery book bundles wrapped in sets of three. They also bring in treats from Maylee’s bakery for customers who purchase the books. Pitts places a sign on the beach advertising the book sale to those arriving by boat, and the event kicks off smoothly. The sale is a success, and they manage to sell about half of the mystery bundles, clearing out space for Fern’s new shipment. Fern, though initially anxious about selling the books for half-off, feels relieved when the space opens up and they have more money for the shop. However, she worries that with so many books sold, she might not have many customers in the near future.
Viv suggests closing the shop for a bit to renovate it, making it more cozy and appealing. Satchel agrees with the idea. They decide to grab Maylee from her bakery and go on a shopping trip. The group buys new carpets, shelves, lamps, and paint to give the shop a fresh look. After renovating, the shop looks more welcoming and comfortable. While working, Satchel notices something suspicious outside the window. Viv immediately gets a bad feeling and tells Satchel to stay with her for the night, just in case.
Viv’s Nightmare & Anxiety
That night, Viv has a nightmare in which Varine confronts her, telling her that she stole Blackblood. Varine reveals the sword’s name, and when Viv wakes up, she asks Satchel if the sword is indeed called Blackblood. Satchel confirms it, and Viv realizes he’s been keeping secrets. Satchel admits he’s been lying and reveals that when Viv returns him to Varine, she’ll have access to all his memories. Viv asks if there’s a way to free him permanently, but Satchel tells her while blades won’t be of any help, he has another plan.
Viv organizes a picnic with Fern, Gallina, Maylee, Satchel, and Potroast, but the real purpose is to scout the area for any potential threats. They spend the day discussing books and bonding over shared experiences. During the outing, Satchel finds something important he needs to show Viv. He leads her and Gallina to a graveyard, where they find Varine’s mark etched in black powder on the grass. This ominous sign further escalates Viv’s worry.
New Books
The next day, a new shipment of books arrives at Thistleburr, and Pitts helps transport the crates inside. Fern is ecstatic as she unpacks the new inventory and arranges them on the shelves. Meanwhile, Gallina arrives and tells Viv that there’s a bounty on spinebacks if she’s interested in joining. Satchel, who despises spinebacks, offers to help, but Viv hesitates, worried that Varine could strike the moment she leaves Murk. Fern suggests that Gallina’s book of choice should be in the new shipment, but Gallina looks stricken at the mention and leaves quickly, promising to return later for it.
Viv heads to the Gatewarden’s building and informs Iridia about the graveyard and Varine’s mark. She also asks if the mysterious book from Varine is still safe, and Iridia assures her it is. Later, Viv visits Maylee’s bakery and brings up Fern’s idea of selling Maylee’s baked goods in the bookshop. Maylee thinks it’s a great idea, especially since it would keep Fern company once Viv leaves.
The Great Zelia Greatstrider
The story shifts as Viv, Fern, Potroast, and Satchel ride in a carriage to Zelia Greatstrider’s estate. Upon arrival, they present Zelia with baked goods from Sea-Song, and after some conversation, Viv invites Zelia to visit the bookshop for a signing event. Zelia eventually agrees. When the day of the book sale and Zelia’s visit arrives, they prepare by setting up flyers and signs. Satchel writes an elegant sign to display by the boat dock. The event goes smoothly—Maylee provides treats, and Satchel hides in the chest so he can still watch the event. Zelia arrives with Burke, her assistant, and the shop fills with townspeople eager to buy her books and get them signed. After a busy and successful day, Zelia and Burke leave, and everyone is happy for Fern.
Hunting Spinebacks
Later, Viv and Gallina slip out of The Perch before dawn to go on their spineback hunt. Gallina has rented a wagon pulled by two mules since Viv doesn’t get along well with horses. As they travel, they discuss Gallina’s past, revealing that she was abandoned by her mercenary group. This revelation angers Viv. They reach the farm where the bounty was posted and talk to the farmer, gathering more information about the spinebacks. After searching for hours, Satchel finally finds the cave where the creatures are hiding. Viv lures them out, and though she ends up on her back during the fight, Satchel eliminates them with ease using bone fragments, shocking both Viv and Gallina. However, Viv realizes the spinebacks were starving, suggesting something else is killing the sheep.
Varine’s Arrival and Viv’s Departure
Viv smells frozen blood and finds the missing sheep, their deaths tied to Varine’s magic. After alerting the farmer, they rush back to Murk. Viv is anxious, fearing Varine’s next move. When they arrive, she sprints ahead, expecting chaos, but the town is eerily quiet, except for the sound of bells ringing. She checks on Maylee, finding her asleep, and tells her to grab a mace for protection before rushing off to the Gatewarden’s place.
Viv and Satchel make their way to Iridia, and together, they fight through Varine’s wights and minions. They locate the cursed book, and after Viv dogears a page, Varine’s minions reveal that she’s waiting in Thistleburr. Inside, Viv finds Gallina and Fern imprisoned in bone. Varine taunts Viv, admitting she’s been watching Viv’s dreams through Blackblood. Viv tries to negotiate, offering to hand over the book and Satchel in exchange for her friends’ freedom. Once Varine gets the book, Satchel, his upper body hidden in the dogeared page, starts pulling Varine into the book. Potroast bursts in and attacks Varine as she’s about to attack Viv, allowing Viv to save him while Varine is dragged into the book. In the final moments, Viv destroys the book after getting Potroast and Satchel out with Blackblood, ending Varine’s threat.
The epilogue reveals Viv preparing to leave Murk. As she says her tearful goodbyes to Maylee, Fern, Satchel, and Potroast, she reflects on her journey. In the end, Viv receives a letter from Fern, saying she’s learned about Legends and Lattes from Zelia Greatstrider and plans to visit Viv soon. Fern is lonely without Satchel, and Viv considers the possibility of Fern opening a bookshop next to her café, continuing their shared love of books and companionship.
Character Index
Viv – An orc mercenary injured on one of her early missions with her group, Rackam’s Ravens. Rackam has her heal in the small town of Murk while they continue chasing their bounty.
Fern – A foul-mouthed rattkin who owns Thistleburr books after her father. She becomes a dear friend of Viv. Has a pet gryphet named Potroast.
Maylee – Dwarven baker and retired mercenary. Owner of The Sea-Song. Viv and Maylee date briefly during her time in Murk.
Gallina – A spiky-haired gnome with daggers all over her. She’s eager to prove herself and eventually becomes Viv’s friend and member of Rackam’s Raven.
Satchel – Varine the Pale’s homunculus. He’s very polite and ends up becoming friends with the group and he is integral to Varine’s demise.
Varine the Pale – Necromancer who Viv and the rest of Rackam’s Ravens chase throughout the book. Viv and Satchel trick Varine, getting rid of her and her army of wights.